Maybe some topic
Posted on August 22, 2021 • 3 minutes • 491 words
Hello dear readers!
It’s been a while since I kept my pen on the paper for my blog; or should I say I kept my hand on the keyboard. Well, here I am. But what topic should I choose for this blog post? Though there are a few ideas I have in my mind to pen down… Lately, I have kept my foot into many things, and could not prioritize publishing a blog post. But today, maybe I could write something interesting. And maybe, that something makes you curious about biology.
Maybe I will write something about the possibility of the next wave of coronavirus infection. Or, maybe I could just write about a few home remedies you could use to improve your immunity. While everyone is talking about antioxidants present in Orange, Spinach, or Broccoli, and anti-inflammatory agents present in Ginger, berries, and grapes, I could talk about Chia seeds, Flaxseeds, Kidney beans, or Walnuts, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that fight depression, anxiety, improve brain health, fight inflammation, autoimmunity, and also prevent cancer and heart diseases.
Maybe I will write about why I would never touch a cigar, and how it drastically elevates the risk of lung cancer, tuberculosis, arthritis and many other diseases; or maybe I would stick to the possible risks of Masturbation, causing risk for prostate cancer, increasing stress, and excess, leading to damage in the liver, hormonal and nervous system functions.
Maybe I can also write about cutting edge research about Nanotechnology in biology, which can currently repair bones, improve diagnostic accuracy, and very soon aid in cancer cure. Maybe Astrobiology could make a wonderful topic where I could explore the biological, planetary, and cosmic phenomenon, and look at the origins, evolution and distribution of life in the cosmos and how we have found habitable planets and spaces in the exoplanets.
Maybe I can simply stick to topics that provide help and guidance. Possibly about how to respond to reviewers’ comments to a submitted journal manuscript, or maybe how to streak your first bacterial plate and extract RNA from your cells. Maybe history should make a good topic. History of test-tube babies, Current research in behavioural economics, or how environment conservation activities helped the world.
Maybe I could also explore abstract topics like ‘Morality learnt from Biology’ or ‘Biology: a sfumato’, where I could draw relations between the Monalisa painting and the field of biology. Maybe I could discuss how the microscopic predatory world of viruses and bacteria could be similar to black holes and other planetary objects.
I have so many thoughts and so many fields to explore. Or maybe, I could just write about ‘Maybe some topic’. If you liked any of these ideas, please comment below. I will allocate some time to a commonly loved topic and explore the topic in another blog post. Thanks for reading till here. Do follow my blog. Maybe, you’ll want to read more.