The Curious Explorer
December 31, 2021

Round-up 2021: Curious Explorations

Posted on December 31, 2021  •  3 minutes  • 601 words

Hey all. A Happy and prosperous New year to one and all. First of all, I thank every one of you who have spent their time on my blog. You deserve a pat for yourself in your effort to quench your thirst for knowledge. With your love, I have and will push my bounds to get you the knowledge and new perspectives on biology, and science in general. My blog covers scholarly topics on various disciplines of biology for the general public.

2k21 has been a great year. We covered various topics ranging from concrete laboratory techniques to abstract concepts that pique our imagination. We discussed topics ranging from technology, literature, music, behaviour and psychology. Let me take the pleasure to list out our discussions and reflect on our progress. I have summarized my blog posts in the order published from Jan to Dec of this year.

We all must have gone to a hospital to get ourselves checked. You would have given your blood sample too. But ever wondered what happens to your blood sample? (Check it out here )

Maybe you got a positive result, or maybe not. The doctor might have given you a prescription and asked you to take some medicines. Do these medicines work? Or is it just my psychology that reduces the disease? (Check out more here )

Hip hip Hooray. Your health has come back to normalcy. Let’s listen to some music. But wait, do you know the science of music and music of science? Two seemingly opposite concepts, right? But could they be connected? (Know more here )

My father often tells me that the talent of music, to an extent, is present in the genes themselves. Do comment if you agree. Together, we could discover a music gene. We just need to get your DNA sequence and start searching. (More about it here )

But what if someone has already discovered the music gene? I do not want to rediscover the wheel. It is always important to look at the huge volume of scientific literature before moving ahead with your wild fantasies. Someone else must be sharing the same fantasy. (Review the literature with these tips )

There are thousands of interesting topics one would find in scientific literature. The list is endless. (Here are some topics for you to browse.)

Too much data can be too confusing. Who have always helped humans with such hectic jobs? Yes, computers. Biology too has taken the aid of computers for a long time. And now, machines have started to learn biology. Could machines help us in understanding biology better? (Answers here )

In the era where we are evolving machines to match human excellence, don’t you think understanding how we have evolved our perceptions and emotions is also important? We have looked at how other primates like monkeys or gorillas also have a social behaviour like us. (Detailed explanation here )

Exploring the world, we tend to forget ourselves. There is so much you could learn from yourself. You also find that there is so much commonality between all of us and yet you are so unique. (Read here how unique your thoughts are)

Let me take your leave for now with the summary of this year’s explorations. Blogging this year was fun. From 2020, my blog has now spread to 8 more countries and the number of followers has risen by 200% with a 52% rise in new visitors. I thank each and everyone for their love and support. I will continue to strive and improve my content. Have a great year ahead.

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I like to simplify Biology.